Become A Member

The easiest way to join the club is through the membership portal.  Clink the link below and follow the instructions to join. Thank you for your support!

Membership Portal

(You can also scan the QR code at the bottom of this page to join)


Or, you can click below to download your club application: (Note: This method will take much longer to get your membership voucher)

Club Application

After downloading, print and mail your application to:

P.O. Box 332 Andover, NH 03216

Membership Questions Call Allan Houle at (603) 768-3951

You can also become a member at the NHSA Office on weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.


Thank You Generous:

– Land Owners
– Volunteers
– Local Businesses!!!

Next Meeting:

Here is this season’s meeting schedule:


10/21/24 *

11/18/24 *






Meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. at the Andover Elementary / Middle School. All members and guests are welcome.  We hope to see you there!  Thank You!

* The October & November meetings are a week later than normal due to the holidays.

Happy Sledding!

Let’s do our part to keep this sport safe and enjoyable.

Obey speed limits, respect land owners, don’t drink and ride, never ride alone, keep right, and always wear your helmet.